The goal of our research group is to develop theoretical foundations and techniques for the construction of safe, reliable, and secure autonomous cyber-physical systems. Our work spans from formal specification, verification, synthesis, to runtime verification.
Our paper on Querying Labeled Time Series Data with Scenario Programs has been accepted for presentation at NFM 2025.
This is joint work with UC Berkeley, UC Santa Cruz, and Korea University
The Runtime Verification Conference of 2025 will take place on September 15th to 19th, in Graz, Austria.
PC-Chairs: Bettina Könighofer and Hazem Torfah
Submission deadline: May 30
Our paper on Mining Specifications for Predictive Safety Monitoring has been accepted for presentation at ICCPS 2025.
This is joint work with E. Nesterini, E. Bartocci, A. Gambi, D. Nickovic, and S. Seshia
PRAO students visit STARlab and learn about Scenic!
Alexander, Emil, Tim, Noah, it was a pleasure to host you at our lab!
Join our talk at ROSCon 2024 in Odense, Denmark. We report on the latest advances of Scenic.
This talk is given by Hazem Torfah
Our paper on Active Learning of Runtime Monitors under Uncertainty has been accepted for presentation at iFM 2024.
This is joint work with Sebastian Junges and Sanjit A. Seshia
Antonina Skurka is joining STARlab as a WASP PhD Student.
Welcome to the team Antonina!